Recognizing Friend from Foe

Why does your face look so different from mine? This blog has spent a great deal of time talking about various methods of facial recognition, as well as its relationship to emotional recognition. An important part of this question rests in the vast diversity of human faces that we come into contact with. We need…

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Emotionally Disguised Faces

Emotional and facial recognition may be even more closely linked than we thought. In past blogs, we have discussed how better understanding facial recognition may help us better understand emotional recognition, and we have also talked about how understanding emotions requires similar processes as those which identify faces. During that discussion, we explained how recognizing…

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Cracking the Facial Recognition Code

How do our brains recognize faces? This is an incredibly complex question, because the process of facial recognition is an almost miraculously instantaneous one. As discussed in a previous blog, we don’t need to make a careful study of somebody’s face to recognize them. Instead, we just know who someone is, which is really amazing,…

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