Facial Expressions Shape Professional Evaluations

We know that facial expressions hugely shape social interactions, but they also shape professional evaluations, as well. A recent blog by the Association for Psychological Science (APS) critically examines the extant research on the connection between nonverbal behavior and professional evaluations. This article seeks to summarize the role that facial features, such as facial hair,…

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How Many Faces Can You Recognize?

Who is that person in your office? On your bus? On the television? Many of us are constantly barraged with different faces, and it can be hard to keep track or even to remember some familiar faces at all! Yet, why is this? In a recent paper in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, a…

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Facial Age and Recognition

Sometimes it is very important to evaluate age based on someone’s face alone, but this can be quite tricky. This is actually a surprisingly pressing issue as age is relevant in all sorts of commercial, social, or political contexts. While it seems intuitive that we should be able to recognize people’s ages pretty easily, this…

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Antisocial Behavior and Facial Recognition

We often tell children that bullies struggle with their own self-esteem, but they may also struggle with an even more fundamental skill! Groundbreaking research suggests that those with severe antisocial behavior actually fail in properly recognizing emotions in other humans. A team of researchers from the University of Bath and the University of Southampton examined…

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