Thanks to everyone who attended the third and final session of our body language webinar series! The session was held Thursday, August 27th and the topic was How about a Thumbs up? All about Gestures. Dr. Matsumoto explained what gestures are and the different types of speech associated gestures. Through various video examples from many…
Read MoreBody Language Webinar: Session 2 Recap

Thanks to everyone who attended the second session of our body language webinar series! The session was held last Thursday, August 13th and the topic was Lets Face it! The Face and Facial Expressions Here’s what one person said about our body language series: As you know, I love the work of Dr. Matsumoto at…
Read MoreThe Great Body Language Myths

Guest blog by Craig James Baxter of Understanding Body Language. Liars, Cheats and Happy Feet With so much written about body language, it’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed with content, especially when you’re keen to learn more and enhance your understanding. With the study of human body language being so popular, it’s easy to absorb…
Read MoreBody Language Webinar: Session 1 Recap

Thanks to everyone who attended the first session of our body language webinar series! The session was held last Thursday, July 30th and the topic was Reading People: The Big Picture. Here’s what people are saying about session 1: It has been amazing! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! It’s been tremendously interesting and enriching!…
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