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Additional Class Handouts

Facial Expression Analysis

Evaluating Truthfulness and Detecting Deception

Subjective Experience and the Expression of Emotion in Humans

The Socratic Questioning Technique 

Functions of Emotions

People use less information than they think to make up their minds

Socratic Questioning: Changing minds or Guiding discovery?

Supplemental Readings and note from Dr. Matsumoto

People Who Avoid These 3 Common Words Have Very High Emotional Intelligence

This article is related to the use of questions and active listening, and the potential benefits of doing both, which we discuss in our workshops.

How an FBI Agent uses Emotional Intelligence to Negotiate

This article about an FBI hostage negotiator provides many tips about negotiations that we cover in class.

7 Powerful Habits of People With High Emotional Intelligence

This articles centers on emotional intelligence, which we cover in class concerning Understanding and regulating one’s own emotions. It also discusses some other topics we discuss, such as silence.

How to Start a Successful Negotiation in Two Words 

This article highlights the power of questions and socratic questioning, which we discuss in class as a technique to facilitate influence.

Coronavirus article

This article speaks to Reciprocity, one of the principles we discuss in class.

Sheng et al

This article is another of many studies examining loss aversion, and demonstrates some nonverbal and physiological correlates of it.

Detecting Deception in Negotiation

Dr. Matsumoto shares his insights on how to read facial expressions, emotions, and intent. For those in negotiation, it’s sometimes difficult to understand what a person is actually feeling or thinking when they’re engaging face-to-face.

The sun is no fun without rain: physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries

This article demonstrates how an environment can affect the association between color perception and emotion and is related to our discussions about how the environment can prime interlocutors’s minds.

Revisionist History Presents: The Happiness Lab

This podcast shows the power of loss and loss aversion which is related to the concept of scarcity.

How the Voice Persuades

This is a recent research article that demonstrates the power of NVB in persuasion episodes, as we have discussed in class. Although we may not have spent much time in class on voice, this article focuses on the power of the voice.

Giving A Name To Your Anger May Help You Tame It

In class we discussed how labeling one’s emotions helps to take the edge off that emotion. This article describes how labeling one’s anger when one is angry does so, thus allowing one to regulate it better.

How we really make decisions

Kahneman’s work was instrumental in providing insight about the power of heuristics and unconscious, emotional processes in driving decision making, which we cover in our workshops.

Emotions and the Communication of Intentions in Face-to-face Diplomacy

This published article is one of the few that highlights the importance of emotions in a diplomatic context.

What Self-Awareness Really Is (and How to Cultivate It)

This article highlights the importance of self-awareness, which is related to the topic of emotion regulation and management, a central part of being mindful in order to be more effective.

Persuasion, Emotion, and Language: The Intent to Persuade Transforms Language via Emotionality

This published article is another of the very few that examines the role of emotions as transmitted in language when persuading others.

People use less information than they think to make up their minds

This is a recent scientific article that demonstrates the power of heuristic processing in decision making.

Scarcity disrupts neural encoding of Black faces: A socio-perceptual pathway to discrimination

This scientific article demonstrates the effects of scarcity on visual processing that may be related to discrimination. It highlights the effects of scarcity, one of the six principles of P and I that we discuss and may be relevant to readers for other reasons as well.

The Emotional Dog and Its Rational Tail: A Social Intuitionist Approach to Moral Judgment

This scientific article describes how emotions actually drive decision making, and in this case moral judgments. Its main message is relevant to the importance of emotions in decision making.

Decisions are emotional, not logical: the neuroscience behind decision-making

This is an article about how decision making is driven by emotions and not logic and describes some of the neuroscience findings behind that notion.

Arguing and Persuasion in the European Convention

This is another rare article about P and I in a diplomatic context.

The Illusion of Consensus: A Failure to Distinguish between True and False Consensus

This scientific article is on the topic of consensus, one of the principles of P and I we discuss in our workshops. This article demonstrates that people are equally susceptible to superficial appearances of consensus as they are consensus at a deeper level, and points to the potential power of consensus.

The Psychological and Neural Basis of Loss Aversion

This scientific article discuss the psychological and neural bases of loss aversion, which is related to the topic of scarcity, one of the principles of P and I we discuss in our workshops.

Supplemental Videos

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