MiX Lite

(3 customer reviews)


MiX™ Lite is an abbreviated version of our most basic training- perfect for beginners who are on a tight budget and are interested in learning how to detect microexpressions.


MiX™ Lite will help you:

  • Read microexpressions in others
  • Read basic emotions in others
  • Identify key characteristics of the 7 basic emotions
  • See how others really feel and label it quickly and accurately

MiX™ Lite consists of:

  • A pre-test to baseline your ability to detect microexpressions
  • 7 instructional videos that teach you the characteristics of the basic emotions of anger, disgust, fear, surprise, contempt, happiness and sadness
  • A practice section with 14 images which feature individuals from ONLY the frontal view (pictured)
  • A post test to see how far you’ve come. Receive over 80% with the images flashing at you at a speed of 1/5 of a second or less and receive a certificate of completion. You can take the post test as many times as you’d like.

In addition, MiX™ Lite allows the user to set the speed of their training.

Our online training was developed to be accessed with modern browsers (Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox). While usage may be fine with other browsers, we cannot guarantee compatibility.

Training is accessible for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 1 year through our training website. Simply purchase the training, create an account and register your product key that you receive via email. It’s that simple.

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5 thoughts on “MiX Lite

  1. Humintell’s Mix training program helps master the skills in reading people. I believe its the core communication channel in himans. Just a few days ago, I was talking to a retired missionary who came to me for coaching. As he shared his life with me, it was abundantly clear he suffered depression. I asked him to confirm. He broke into tears, “yes” i do. He asked me how I knew. I said you’re masking sadness and its in your eyes and facial expressions. I have numerous examples that Humintell’s Mix program has been the most helpful training tool.

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