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MiX Elite

(6 customer reviews)


MiX™ Elite is advanced microexpression training– perfect for those who have already completed MiX Professional Training who are interested in further learning how to detect microexpressions from multiple angles.


MiX™ Elite will help you:

  • Read microexpressions in others
  • Read basic emotions in others
  • Identify key characteristics of the 7 basic emotions
  • See how others really feel and label it quickly and accurately

MiX™ Elite consists of:

  • An expression Basics section which features a brief overview of facial expressions such as: the functions of emotions, emotions as reactions to events, and the difference between spontaneous and deliberate emotions
  • 7 instructional and review videos from the frontal view that teach you the characteristics of the basic emotions of: anger, disgust, fear, surprise, contempt, happiness and sadness
  • 7 instructional and review videos from the profile view that teach you the characteristics of the basic emotions of: anger, disgust, fear, surprise, contempt, happiness and sadness
  • 7 instructional and review videos from the 3/4 side view that teach you the characteristics of the basic emotions of: anger, disgust, fear, surprise, contempt, happiness and sadness
  • An additional information page for each of the seven basic emotions that features: universal triggers of the emotion, universal functions of the emotion, FACS codes and associated nonverbal behaviors.
  • confusions instructional video section to help delineate between similar expressions such as fear and surprise and anger and contempt.
  • practice section with 56 images which feature individuals from the frontal, profile and 3/4 side view (pictured)
  • post test to see how far you’ve come. Receive over 80% with the images flashing at you at a speed of 1/5 of a second or less and receive a certificate of completion. You can take the post test as many times as you’d like.

In addition, MiX™ Elite is set at a speed of 66 milli seconds, or 1/16th of a second. MiX™ Elite training features over 65 images from six ethnic groups equally representing males and females.

Our online training was developed to be accessed with modern browsers (Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox). While usage may be fine with other browsers, we cannot guarantee compatibility.

MiX™ Elite offers users a comprehensive learning tool to detect microexpressions. Complete with expressions from all angles of males and females from various ethnic groups, MiX™ Elite can improve your ability to recognize hidden signs of emotions in less than one hour of training.

Training is accessible for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 1 year through our training website. Simply purchase the training, create an account and register your product key that you receive via email. It’s that simple.

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6 thoughts on “MiX Elite

  1. Good microexpression training that encompasses various facial angles. Its a step up from the standard MiX training and is a good follow up program for individuals who need/want more microexpression training.

  2. The Mix Elite training is a must-have for anyone who wants to recognize microexpressions in any situation.
    It is, of course, interesting to start with a basic training, but once you start working with the Mix Elite, you will quickly realize that it is essential to master the techniques of behavior analysis.
    The Mix Elite is really an important tool that allows everyone to be able to identify in a very short time the emotional variations appearing on the face, whether frontal, profile or 3/4. In my opinion, it is an essential tool to integrate into the arsenal of tools for analyzing non-verbal communication.

    I highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about learning and using non-verbal communication in their business or personal life!

  3. 本トレーニングツールは、正面だけでなく、斜め、横顔のアングルから微表情を読みとるトレーニングをすることが出来ます。コミュニケーションにおいて、相手の顔を正面から見据えられるとは限りません。例えば、多人数の交渉場面において、斜め前にいる交渉相手に話しかけ、取引することになるでしょう。営業場面において、営業をサポートする役割ならば、教育相手の横に座り、その横顔、そして、営業相手の顔を斜めから見て、会話することになるでしょう。カウンセリングや相談事を聞く場面において、相談相手が心を開いていなかったり、相談事が恥ずかしいことだったりすれば、正面に顔を向けず、斜めに構えた状態で会話をする必要に迫られることもあるでしょう。バーや居酒屋さん、お寿司屋さんのカウンターでは、相手の横に座り、その横顔を観ながら会話をすることになるでしょう。このような状況における微表情検知力を高める上で、本ツールは、豊富で質の高いトレーニングを提供してくれます。




  4. the program helps a lot in learning to read microexpressions, you can adjust the speed of showing microexpression to your level.

  5. This training provides the user with an opportunity to really sharpen up their skills in detecting micro-expressions! Humintell are the industry leaders in such technology, use with confidence!

  6. These are incredibly useful programs. If you do them enough you find that you will see these flickers of emotions throughout your day, in video clips, on TV, across the internet. You will see them everywhere. Treat them like a game that you place. Where you saturate yourself with the material. Practice repeatedly, and then keep increasing the speed until you can get it to go as fast as you possibly can. Treat it like a game.

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