Humintell Webinar Recording

(2 customer reviews)


Participants in this 2-hour webinar learned how to improve their skills in reading emotions and other nonverbal behaviors. Through a series of power point presentation, video and interactive discussion, participants improved their ability to spot clues to potential deception via nonverbal behaviors.



What was the webinar about?

The ability to evaluate truthfulness and assess credibility is a crucial skill for many professionals.

Participants in this 2-hour webinar learned how to improve their skills in reading emotions and other nonverbal behaviors. Through a series of power point presentation, video and interactive discussion, participants improved their ability to spot clues to potential deception via nonverbal behaviors.

Participants also learned which nonverbal behaviors have been scientifically proven to be associated with truthfulness and deception and which have not. In addition, participants improved their individual abilities to make such judgments by focusing on the world of nonverbal behaviors evaluated in context against verbal output.

Who was the webinar host?

Our webinar host was Mr. Joe Ennett. With an extensive background in law enforcement spanning over 34 years, Mr. Ennett has extensive experience in conducting interviews and managing complex criminal investigations. In addition, he has presented training for federal, state and local government as well as for the private sector.

What happens when I purchase the recording?

When you purchase the recording you’ll be sent a link and access information that you will use to view the recording. We use Adobe Connect Pro software. The authentication process prevents people from passing the link to others who have not purchased the recording. The link is good for an unlimited amount of time and you can come back to the webinar and watch it any time you’d like. Please note that the webinar link is strictly for personal use only and if we see abuse of it, we will promptly cancel your access to it. Distribution of training materials is also strictly prohibited.

2 thoughts on “Humintell Webinar Recording

  1. I am in law enforcement and was fortunate enough to have been introduced to this course. Being on patrol or in Investigations, I found that learning how people worked physically and psychologically was a huge plus for me. I wish they would make this course part of the basic academy. Learning to listen (or watch) what is or isn’t being said is key when dealing with others you need information from. You will be surprised how much you will learn and how we as humans have this skill set built in it just has to be developed so you can identify it clearly and know your “gut feeling” is actually backed by science. Add this one to your tool box and thank me later.

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