This image set combines all 56 color photos from the JACFEE and all 56 color photos from the JACNEUF.
112 photos in color. These photos have been used in many cross cultural studies.
Combines all 56 color photos from the Japanese and Caucasian facial expressions of emotion collection and all 56 color photos from the Japanese and Caucasian neutral faces collection.
The JACFEE collection consists of 56 color photographs of 56 different individuals who each illustrate one of the seven different emotions. The collection is equally divided into male and female populations (28 male, 28 female), each of which contains equal numbers of Caucasian and Japanese subjects (16 Caucasian males, 16 Caucasian females, 16 Japanese males, 16 Japanese females). These photos have been used in many cross cultural studies.
*The JACFEE images are also accompanied by a document that outlines the history of the JACFEE images, percent judgment of intended emotion for each photograph, photo list, percent of subjects in each country who chose predicted emotion and mean intensity ratings.
JACNEUF collection consists of 56 color photographs of the 56 subjects found in the JACFEE collection showing neutral facial expressions. The collection is equally divided into male and female populations, each of which contains equal numbers of Caucasian and Japanese subjects. These photos have been used in many cross cultural studies.
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