Emotion in Sports: Troy Dumais’ Final Dive

In case you missed it, Ventura native Troy Dumais called it quits this weekend, ending a diving career that spanned four Olympic Games and 38 national championships. The 36-year-old Dumais was trying for his fifth Olympic squad but finished fourth in the 3-meter event at the team trials in Indianapolis. Despite the disappointment, he received…

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6 Incredible Skills You Were Born With

By Jacqueline Howard written for Huffington Post  As scientists learn more about human nature, they’ve made some remarkable discoveries about skills and traits that we may be born with. 1. The ability to teach A new study published last month in the journal Royal Society Open Science suggests that the ability to teach — whether…

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Athletes’ Victory Stances Are All About Dominance, Not Pride

Have you been watching the NBA Finals? The series is now 2-1 in favor of the Cleveland Cavaliers over the Golden State Warriors. You may notice while watching basketball and many other sporting events that every time an athlete triumphs over another, his or her first instinct is to do a victory dance. In a…

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Past Blog: Facial Expressions are Innate, not Learned

A 2008 study conducted by Humintell Director Dr. David Matsumoto and Photographer Bob Willingham investigated whether or not facial expressions of emotion were innate or a product of cultural learning. The study, which was the first of its kind, studied congenitally blind (blind from birth)  and sighted judo athletes at the 2004 Paralympic Games and…

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