Universal Olympian Triumph

The Olympics are also an incredible insight into the universality of emotional expressions. In addition to being an amazing showcase of emotions, as we discussed last week, the Olympics also demonstrate the unity of human emotions across cultures. Given that the Games bring athletes together from all over the world, they present a prime study…

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Expressions of Pride: Instinctive and Useful

Why do we feel pride? Is pride even something to be avoided? This is a difficult question to answer, and Humintell congratulates Dr. Jessica Tracy for presenting a novel account of the emotion of pride in her acclaimed Take Pride: Why the Deadliest Sin Holds the Secret to Human Success. In this book, Dr. Tracy…

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Blind Athletes Provide Clues About the Nature of Emotions

By Melanie Tannenbaum for Scientific American One of the most important ways that we learn how to interact with the world around us is through observational learning. By watching how our friends and family members behave, we learn at a very young age how to do things like turn on a lightbulb, open a door,…

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The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat

With the Rio Olympic Games coming to an end and the Paralympic Games starting September 7th, we can learn a lot about human behavior by studying the pinnacle of sporting events. From the thrill of victory to the agony of defeat, we’ve seen a wide range of human emotions that connects us all. As the…

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