Can Humans Judge Animal Emotions? Yes, to an Extent.

Most people can discern how their pet cat or dog is feeling by just listening to them- happy kitties purr and angry dogs growl. But can this insight be extended to wild animals like a cow or a pig? A new study entitled “Age, empathy, familiarity, domestication and call features enhance human perception of animal…

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Do You Suffer From Facial Bias aka Face-ism? The Answer is Likely Yes.

Don’t think you’d judge a book by it’s cover? Think again. Past research has shown that adults and children regularly use faces to make judgments about the character traits of others, even with only a brief glance. Now new research supports the idea of facial bias aka face-ism- an extreme tendency to judge people based…

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How Nonverbal Communication Is Going Digital

In a recent BBC Worklife article, Joanna York suggests that we’re used to reading body language and silent cues in person but with remote work, subtle ways we communicate are changing – and workers need to know how to adapt. The global pandemic certainly changed the way we interact. In fact, one 2021 Beezy survey detailing digital…

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Do Babies Have Emotions in the Womb? What The Research Says.

Can a fetus taste and smell in the womb? A study led by Durham University’s Fetal and Neonatal Research Lab and published in the journal Psychological Science provides the first direct evidence that babies react to taste and smell in the womb. The researchers took 4D ultrasound scans of 100 pregnant women to see how…

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