Three Myths About Detecting Deception Proven By Research


What are some myths about deception? What are good deception detection techniques? How can auditors build more trust? Dr. David Matsumoto, a renowned expert in the field of microexpressions, gestures, nonverbal behavior, culture, and emotion recently appeared on the Audit 15 Fun Podcast with Jon Taber to answer these questions and more. Myths about Catching…

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Can Smiling Improve Your Mood? Research Says Yes.

Emotions and Facial Expressions We all know that emotions give our lives meaning, and life without emotions is impossible to imagine. Emotions are a vestige of our evolutionary history and are primarily controlled by an archaic part of the brain. This is why Dr. Matsumoto describes emotions as immediate, involuntary, automatic, and unconscious reactions to…

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A Tribute to Law Enforcement Officers

Guest Blog Post by Anthony “Tony” Ciaburro The month of May (Law Enforcement Appreciation Month) is when we pause to remember our fallen officers. As I reflect on those whose names are on the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, I take comfort knowing that our profession remains undaunted. The last few years have been the…

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Does Music Elicit Universal Emotional Responses?

It’s no mystery that major and minor chords in western music makes us feel good. But could this be because of an evolutionary trait? Recent research led by Eline Adrianne Smit and colleagues from the MARCS Institute for Brain suggests this could be the case. Turn to any major pop radio station in the Western…

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