How Many Faces Can You Recognize?

Who is that person in your office? On your bus? On the television? Many of us are constantly barraged with different faces, and it can be hard to keep track or even to remember some familiar faces at all! Yet, why is this? In a recent paper in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, a…

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Microexpressions Differentiate Truths from Lies about Future Malicious Intent

Finally! The first scientific evidence that microexpressions are a Key to telling if someone is lying! While there has been a general consensus that microexpressions play a significant role in deception detection for decades, in reality there had never been a research study published in a peer-reviewed, scientific journal that documented that claim. Until now.…

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Getting New Year’s Resolutions Right

New Year’s resolutions are tricky things to do correctly, and most people tend to give up on them pretty quickly. But that doesn’t have to be the case. In a helpful article in Forbes, life coach Rosie Guagliardo helps identify some of the challenges with keeping on resolutions. Overall, she emphasizes the need to fully…

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How merry is it to lie to your kids about Santa Claus?

How merry is it to lie to your kids about Santa Claus? While some parents worry about the impact of lying to their children about this popular Christmas legend, it’s possible that it may be better for them in the long run. This is what Dr. Kristen Dunfield, a professor of developmental psychology, argued in…

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