How Studying Behavior Can Be Used To Detect Threats

Another tragic event has occurred at a school in Georgia recently, and the scene unfolds as it has too many times in our recent past. Aside from school incidents, workplace violence, domestic violence, and even seemingly random acts of violence on the streets of our cities and towns, buses, and trains occur all too often…

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To Be A Better Negotiator, Show More Facial Expressions

Listen to Dr. Matsumoto on Negotiate Anything Podcast You may think that in a tough negotiation you need a good poker face, but recent research suggests that being pleasant and facially expressive could actually yield you better results. Researchers out of Nottingham University in the UK collected data from over 1500 conversations while paying close…

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Research: Dogs Wag Their Tails To Make Us Happy

It’s amazing you can form such a strong bond with an animal who communicates with you exclusively non-verbally. If you’re a dog owner, you know the joy of walking in through the door to be greeted by your pup excitedly wagging their tail. But did you know that dogs are one of the few animals…

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Feeling angry? Write down your thoughts then throw them away

There are many ways to manage your emotions but researchers out of Nagoya University have discovered a simple, but effective, strategy to help with anger management. Writing down your thoughts on the cause of your anger and then throwing that piece of paper away can be an effective way to neutralize your negative feelings. The…

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