4 Body Language Displays You’ll See at the Tokyo Olympics

The Tokyo Olympics are a month away! The Olympic Games are set to begin Friday July 23rd and are an excellent place to observe body language and nonverbal behavior; tensions are high and emotions are always on full display. Keep in mind no matter how many times the Olympic venues and locations change, the facial…

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Can Puppies and Dogs Read Body Language? What Research Says.

Recent research out of the Arizona Canine Cognition Center suggests that puppies are born ready to read body language and are capable of communicating and interacting with humans at a very young age with no formal training required. Domestic dogs are born to socialize with humans because we bred them that way; the human-dog relationship…

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Reading Facial Expressions of Emotion: 4 Personal Benefits

In one of our latest blogs, we wrote about the importance of reading facial expressions of emotion. Those facial expression benefits all had to do with increasing our understanding of others, including gaining insights about their mental states, mindsets, personality, motivation, and intentions. No doubt obtaining those insights and increasing our understanding of others is…

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The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

Is it true that there are 19 different smiles, but only 6 of them are related to happiness? What happens when we smile sadly and what does the rest of our body language convey? In this video, Humintell’s Dr. David Matsumoto helps explain the world of nonverbal communication to wider audiences. He emphasizes that nonverbal…

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