Guest Blog by Ron Holloway: Opportunity Favors the Prepared

Guest Blog by Ron Holloway Ron is the owner of Arrow Coaching, LLC. He pairs his studies and research with the experience with becoming blind and cognitively impaired to an invaluable thought leader in the government and beyond. Connect with him on LinkedIn. Lessons From Boxing Mike Tyson once said, “every fighter has a plan…

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Body Language in the Classroom

School is back in session! Humintell Director David Matsumoto has been a Professor at San Francisco State and Judo Instructor for over 30 years. In this video, he explains how reading facial expressions of emotion and body language (nonverbal behavior) has so many benefits in the educational process. Teachers For teachers, reading their kids’ and…

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RESULTS: Reading Microexpressions: Put Yourself to the Test


A couple weeks ago we published a blog and challenged you to catch a liar by watching 4 videos. Several of you weighed in with your thoughts on who was telling the truth and who was lying after drinking either apple juice or vinegar and saying “this tastes good”. What were the answers? Find out…

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Reading Microexpressions: Put Yourself to the Test

truth-lies-deception-deception detection

So you want to catch a liar in the act. What is the first thing you should look for? The answer are what researchers call “hot spots”. Hot spots are inconsistencies between what people say and what their nonverbal behavior is saying. For example, if you ask a person how they like your dress and…

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