5 Tips to Manage Holiday Stress from Humintell

Did you know that 88% of Americans feel the holiday season is the most stressful time of the year? A survey conducted by OnePoll in conjunction with Joy Organics explored the festive stressors and anxiety-inducing moments of the holiday season. They polled about 2,000 Americans and found that financial concerns actually topped the list of…

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8 CREDIBLE Steps to Conduct a Successful Interview

Written by Humintell Affiliate Jay Abiona of Credible Security Solutions Have you ever conducted an interview and were unsure if the individual was being 100% honest? If so, then this article is for you! We all know that the largest cost in any business is usually payroll. In order to have loyal, hardworking and HONEST…

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Science: An Enterprise to Generate Knowledge

By Humintell Director Dr. David Matsumoto We’ve heard a lot in the past year and a half about “listening to science.” Certainly, I believe that science is important to us today in our society. But when I heard what was said about science, the messages I heard were not so much about the science as…

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Domestic Violence: A Pandemic Within a Pandemic?

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We are dedicating this month to draw attention to this unspeakable crime and continue efforts to raise awareness and stop the violence. For the month of October, save 25% on any ID Threats Product with code DVAM at checkout. SHOP NOW The Staggering Stats According to the WHO, across…

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