The Link Between Children’s Bedtime and Emotion Regulation

A resent study from Pennsylvania State University suggests that a consistent bedtime for children leads to better emotion regulation while under stress or working with others. Children Sleep Study Researchers analyzed sleep and behavior data of 143 six-year-olds, mothers of whom were trained about responsive parenting in the first 2.5 years following birth. The children…

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Emotion Regulation Training to Prevent Postpartum Depression

New research presented at the 37th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology studied the activity in the brain’s amygdala during pregnancy. The amygdala is part of the temporal lobe and part of a larger network in the brain called the limbic system. When it comes to survival, the amygdala and limbic system are extremely important. These are…

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Digital Devices Can Hinder Kids’ Emotion Regulation Ability

All parents of young children know how challenging it is when your child throws a tantrum. But think again before you reach for a mobile phone or tablet to soothe them. New research entitled “Cure for tantrums? Longitudinal associations between parental digital emotion regulation and children’s self-regulatory skills” suggests that doing so may damage a…

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Do Babies Have Emotions in the Womb? What The Research Says.

Can a fetus taste and smell in the womb? A study led by Durham University’s Fetal and Neonatal Research Lab and published in the journal Psychological Science provides the first direct evidence that babies react to taste and smell in the womb. The researchers took 4D ultrasound scans of 100 pregnant women to see how…

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