
Women Who Want to Successfully Work for Themselves website has done a piece on gratitude. Gratitude is classified as an emotion and emotions can and often do control how negatively or positively we view the world around us.  Research has shown that people who are consistently grateful tend to be happier, more helpful, forgiving and…

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Separating the Liars from the Truth Tellers

People tend to measure dishonesty by a person’s physical tells such as fidgeting, breathing rate, etc. Often times these tells coupled with the baseline of the individual and intuition leads us to be correct in our analysis when it is someone we know well.  However, these techniques including measuring blood pressure and pulse as in…

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Research – Facial Analysis

As of January 2014 Affectiva, a facial expression analysis firm renewed its multi-million, multi-year agreement with Millward Brown.  Millward Brown will use Affectiva’s technology in their automated facial coding software that they implement for their Link Clients, which allows them to validate the performance of their advertising and identify strengths and weaknesses. Graham Page, head…

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Why We’re Addicted to Selfies

Why are we so addicted to the Selfie?  Part of the reason is due to the fact that it is the first time in history where pictures are so readily and instantaneously available.  Every cell phone, from the cheapest to the most expensive, has a camera that can take not just good but great quality…

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