Our Game Face Is Really A Call for Help

Can the face of determination really be a subconscious call for help? LiveScience reports on a study led by evolutionary psychologist Bridget Waller from the University of Portsmouth (UK).  Waller and her colleagues tested both chimps and children to determine if humans, the more social and cooperative species, evolved to subconsciously signal a request for…

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Spot the Microexpression

When 16-year-old Skylar Neese disappeared into the night, her parents were shocked to discover that her closest friends carried a dark secret. In the video clip below, Skylar’s parents are asked how they spent their first Christmas without their daughter. Can you spot the microexpression that occurs at the beginning of the video? What do…

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Young Children Judge Trustworthiness & Competence Based on Your Face

Research led by led by psychological scientist Emily Cogsdill of Harvard University, reported by The Association for Psychological Sciences  shows that judging others based on their physical features begins at a very early age. As many of us know and as past research has shown, adults regularly use faces to make judgments about the character…

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Google Glasses App Can Read Your Emotions

Google Glasses now capture human sentiment by processing facial expressions in real-time.  Only time will tell how this will compare to questionnaires, surveys or even video replay analysis to determine a customer’s true satisfaction level .  Google is able to capture real-time expressions of emotion from software provided by Emotient, which is incorporated into their…

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