Why Your Dog is Happy to See You

Is your dog overwhelmed with joy anytime you walk through the door? There’s a scientific reason behind their excitement, a new study shows, and it’s not just because you feed them. Researchers at Emory University used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to scan dogs’ brains for activity when they were shown images of dog faces,…

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Coming Soon! APA Handbook of Nonverbal Communication

Editors-in Chief: David Matsumoto, PhD, Hyisung C. Hwang, PhD, and Mark G. Frank, PhD The Authors of Nonverbal Communication: Science and Applications The APA Handbook of Nonverbal Communication provides scholarly reviews of state-of-the-art knowledge in the areas of nonverbal communication and nonverbal behaviors. It includes an entire section devoted to new and improved methodologies and…

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ICYMI: Can a Photograph Serve as a Reliable Document of Truth?

Humintell Director Dr. Matsumoto sat down with photographer Kris Davidson for an interview at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco California. Produced for an MFA level documentary photography course, Dr. Matsumoto shares valuable insights on the potential of a photograph to serve as a reliable document of truth.

The Sleep-Deprived Brain Can Mistake Friends for Foes

If you can’t tell a smile from a scowl, you’re probably not getting enough sleep. A new UC Berkeley study shows that sleep deprivation dulls our ability to accurately read facial expressions. This deficit can have serious consequences, such as not noticing that a child is sick or in pain, or that a potential mugger…

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