Dr. David Matsumoto, world authority in interpreting nonverbal communication, inaugurated the second phase of the Training Course Evaluation Specialist testimonies and interviews organized by the Ministry of Security and Interpol and addressed to members of police forces Latin America. The course objective was to strengthen skills and abilities of police interviews have specialist teams to evaluate,…
Read MoreWild Bonobos Use Referential Gestural System to Communicate Their Intentions
Pointing and pantomime are important components of human communication but so far evidence for referential communication in animals is limited. Observations made by researchers Pamela Heidi Douglas and Liza Moscovice of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, make important contributions to this research topic: To solve social conflicts female bonobos invite…
Read MoreBig Bug Gives Reporter a Big Scare
Fox 5 anchor Brad Wills’ weather report took a hilarious turn when his live shot was interrupted by a massive flying insect. While reporting about the extreme heat in the San Diego area, the bug suddenly flies by Wills’ head as he screams in terror. “Was that live? Are we live?” Wills asks after the insect…
Read MoreWhy You Should Learn How to Read Facial Expressions of Emotion
Strong Predictor of Workplace Performance The ability to read emotions in others and in oneself has proven through research to be the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence. A recent study even suggests people who are in tune with their colleagues’ emotions are more likely to bring home a bigger paycheck than their emotionally-stunted colleagues! Increased…
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