Reading Past the Words During a Presidential Debate

Who are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump really? The second presidential debate was held last night. After watching the first presidential debate on September 26, Humintell’s own Dr. David Matsumoto offered his expert opinion on how each candidate’s mannerisms could be perceived by voters. He urged us to imagine watching these debates without sound, stripping…

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Fair or Unfair? Facial Cues Influence How Social Exclusion is Judged

People are often excluded from social groups. As researchers from the University of Basel in Switzerland report in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, whether uninvolved observers find this acceptable or not may depend on the facial appearances of those excluded. The exclusion of cold and incompetent looking people is more likely to be accepted.…

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Smiling People May be Less Likely to be Judged by Their Gender or Race

By Bahar Gholipour and David Freeman for Huffington Post Could something as simple as a smile put an end to racist and sexist first impressions? Probably not. But a new study published in the August issue of the journal Motivation and Emotion suggests that when people smile, strangers may be less likely to judge them…

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The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat

With the Rio Olympic Games coming to an end and the Paralympic Games starting September 7th, we can learn a lot about human behavior by studying the pinnacle of sporting events. From the thrill of victory to the agony of defeat, we’ve seen a wide range of human emotions that connects us all. As the…

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