Time to Learn Some People Reading!

Humintell is proud to announce that we have launched a new version of our reading people training package, with some exciting offers exclusively for you until the end of the month! While this new program will build off of the same people reading themes that Humintell has always specialized in, the new course, with three…

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The Role of Powerful Postures in Everyday Interaction

Reading people is more than just gesture and expression. It also involves posture. This blog tends to focus primarily on gestures and expressions, and we have delved only occasionally into the importance of posture in expressing or detecting various affective states. However, in a comprehensive review of research on nonverbal postures, Dr. Amy Cuddy and…

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Aping Around with Gestures

Many of our gestures and emotions are universal across cultures, but is this limited to just our species? In an exciting new study by Dr. Kirsty Graham of the University of York, researchers found surprising patterns among gestures utilized by bonobos and chimpanzees in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Not only did they find…

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Body Posture Is Important Part of Nonverbal Communication

While research into cross-cultural non-verbal communication often focuses on facial expressions, body posture is also an important consideration. This may seem intuitive, as we all have experienced the role that body posture has in communicating emotions, but it has been neglected in most research, at the expense of its valuable potential for effectively reading people.…

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