LP Magazinehas reported on the misconceptions between eye movement and deception detection. They refer to a seminar by Humintell’s director Dr. Matsumoto at the Certified Forensic Interviewer Elite Training Day last November. The seminar focused on the difficulty in establishing deception or truth and the flaws most people commit when trying to do so. After…
Read MoreFalse Memories and Bad Feelings
New research has been formulated regarding a physiological marker for false memories (not to be confused with lies), bad feelings and sleep. The Guardian has reported on new research that claims false memories have a psychological marker that can be determined via a simple test that measures the conductance of the skin. The results of…
Read MoreAre You Being Judged On Your Smile?
Are you being judged on your smile? According to Atlantic.com we could judge people especially our elected representatives on their smiles. How would one go about judging smiles? New facial expression recognition technology is paving the way to do just that. Developer and journalist Dan Nguyen has taken advantage of recent facial expression recognition technology…
Read MoreHappy Holidays From Humintell
Wishing You a Wonderful Holiday Season! We thank you for your support and for being a loyal customer. We would not be able to continue to expose the fascinating world of facial expressions of emotion and nonverbal behavior without your support. We wish you the very best Holiday Season!