James Flynn- Why Our IQ’s are Higher Than Our Grandparents’

James Flynn, moral philosopher, gives an interesting perspective on the IQ levels and Intelligence of past generations in comparison with today’s generation. In 1900, only 3% of Americans practiced professions that were deemed “cognitively demanding.”  Today, 35% of us do, and we have all learned to be flexible in the way that we think about…

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Teaching Lies in Order to Spot Them

Stan Walters, an interview and interrogation expert, is back in our blog with information on the untruths in deception detection courses. In the video below, he discusses the various ways in which certain courses being taught on deception detection are full of lies themselves.  He focuses on one particular course and goes through the various…

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Emotional Robots

David Hanson of  Hanson Robotics  shows off his robotic research at his TED Talk Conference with a demo of his “Einstein” creation whose facial features mimic human expressions. Hanson and his team’s goal is to eventually design a robot that not only realistically mimics human characteristics but that can empathize with us as well.    They…

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Emotinal Incontinence

There is a disorder out there that can mimic different emotions and often times mirrors depression.  Pesudobulbar Affect or PBA can take its toll on anyone of any age group.  However, it most commonly affects individuals with Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s, Its symptoms are usually sudden and uncontrollable bouts of laughter or crying for no…

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