Feeling guilty about that carmel macchiato you just gulped down, having doubts about the job you just interviewed for, or feeling a little seasonal depression? Well, just jump into the shower or suds up your bath and clean your body. Yes that’s right, cleansing your body can cleanse your mind. US News Health has reported…
Read MoreJury Selection in Michael Jackson Trial
How being able to read body language, nonverbal behavior and microexpressions can play a crucial role in the jury selection process, particularly in the high profile Michael Jackson murder trial.
Magnet Magic: “The Truth of the Matter”
A new study suggests that magnets can be used for more than just pinning your kid’s artwork to the refrigerator. Magnetic fields have been used in science for quite a while for a plethora of things ranging from fMRI’s to the simple navigational compass. It has long been known that magnetic fields, which are invisible…
Read MoreVirtual Emotions and Autism:
The digital revolution is once again proving beneficial in the education arena. However, this time researchers are combining video game technology and facial expressions to aid children who have autism. Autism is a disorder that affects a person’s ability to interact socially to the world around them. It varies in degrees and is more common…
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