Robots Read Facial Expressions?

Nowadays, robots can do almost anything- the one thing they are lacking is the ability to read facial expressions.  Well, that just might be changing. Science has been progressing on robot’s ability to express facial expressions of emotions but recognizing them is an entirely different trial.  Researchers from the University of Tsukuba, Japan have created…

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Blood Pressure and Emotional Cues

Now there is another reason to keep that blood pressure in check.  New research suggests that high blood pressure can lead to an inability to recognize and process emotions especially happiness, sadness, anger and fear. A recent study conducted by Clemson University psychology professor James A. McCubbin and colleagues has shown that people with higher…

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TELL Me How you Feel

According to NewsWise and the American Institute of Physics a research team at the University of Florida, Gainesville is expanding lie detection  capabilities and moving away from the old way of the polygraph, which was not always reliable, to the updated way of voice stress analysis. The researchers confirmed that the human voice does in…

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Language and Emotions

Researchers at the MPI for Psycholinguistics and the MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology have set out to answer the question, does our understanding of emotions depend on the language we speak, or is our perception the same regardless of language and culture? ScienceDaily reports on Understanding Emotions without Language. This new study, which suggests that emotions…

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