Why Every Interaction You Have Is A Negotiation

Every interaction is a negotiation Whether we realize it or not, we’re all salespeople and every interaction is a negotiation in which we persuade and influence others. Some of us do this professionally; sales people sell products and attempt to have people purchase those products; teachers sell knowledge and skills and attempt to persuade students…

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Emotion Regulation Training to Prevent Postpartum Depression

New research presented at the 37th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology studied the activity in the brain’s amygdala during pregnancy. The amygdala is part of the temporal lobe and part of a larger network in the brain called the limbic system. When it comes to survival, the amygdala and limbic system are extremely important. These are…

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To Be A Better Negotiator, Show More Facial Expressions

Listen to Dr. Matsumoto on Negotiate Anything Podcast You may think that in a tough negotiation you need a good poker face, but recent research suggests that being pleasant and facially expressive could actually yield you better results. Researchers out of Nottingham University in the UK collected data from over 1500 conversations while paying close…

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The Link Between Childhood Trauma and Emotion Recognition

A recent study published in Scientific Reports studied the association between childhood trauma and emotion recognition. Their results showed that childhood trauma alone was significantly associated with emotion recognition accuracy when exploring stimuli intensity, modality, and emotion. Furthermore, when researchers controlled for psychopathy and alexithymia, childhood trauma was significant only when exploring the emotion portrayed. The…

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