Cooperation and Competition in Intercultural Interactions

Are team players more cooperative when they can relate to their teammates? New research conducted by Drs. David Matsumoto and Hyi Sung Hwang now relates the behavioral ability to cooperatively interact with people to cultural differences between the players. In this study, US born Americans played a modified Prisoner’s Dilemma game in same sex dyads…

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Cultural Communication – One Book at a Time

Communicating across cultures is big business and for one Chinese media company keeping up eastern and western relations is happening one book at a time. China Daily reports on Sinomedia International, a media enterprise that generates cross-cultural news, publications, entertainment and networking opportunities between the English-speaking communities and China related topics. Sinomedia International  focuses on…

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Cross-Culture and Marketing

A new member driven marketing organization focused on the “total market experience” has announced its plans to launch at the first Total Market Industry Conference in September. According to Bloomberg BusinessWeek, The Cross Cultural Marketing and Communications Association (CCMCA) will provide information on marketing awareness, training, education and certification. Not only are marketing techniques and…

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Past Blog: Emotional Masks

Who’s the best at hiding their emotions?  Well, take a look at the video below, which delineates the most popular society at masking their emotions. It is not Brits as one might suggest. Dr.  David Matsumoto, microexpression expert, comments on why this might be so prevalent in Japanese society. He suggests that because it is…

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