Gestures from Around the World

In general, we tend to think it’s best not to insult your host country when traveling abroad. So before you may unintentionally offend someone in another culture, take a look at this guide to hand gestures around the world. For more information on gestures, take a look at our World of Gestures webinar recording

Cultural Problems in the Workplace

Learning to identify cultural problems in your workplace can help boost your happiness with your job. reports on the 10 signs that there is culture trouble in the workplace and they’re not talking about employee’s ethnic background. Rather they discuss the importance of how employees and employers work together and the overall cohesiveness of…

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Succeeding Globally

As many of us know, the business world is a predominately male dominated world.  In America, women have been working their way up the corporate ladder (they still do not receive equal pay for equal work), but find at times it’s very difficult to compete in a global workforce when there are so many cultural…

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Mapping Feelings

Feelings are often associated with physical reactions: terror can send chills down your spine, and love can leave you weak in the knees. A recent study has linked specific emotions to physical sensations. Researchers at the Academy of Finland and Aalto University tested emotional responses in hundreds of subjects and then created maps identifying locations…

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