Basic Emotions and Cultural Differences

Despite the universal nature of many basic emotions and types of emotions, it is pretty clear that cultural differences exist, but why? It certainly would be simplistic to think that all emotional expressions are the exact same around the world, despite the existence of basic emotional expressions across cultures. In fact, a major 2015 study…

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Succeeding at Intercultural Communication

How important is language in intercultural communication really? This may seem like a silly question, but in such a large and diverse world, the myriad of languages present particular challenges to jetsetters and tourists of all sorts. No matter how many languages you know, the intrepid world traveler can never be fluent in the language…

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FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin – New Article!

Humintell is proud to be frequent contributors to the nation’s premier law enforcement publication, the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Since 1935, The FBI has provided information on current law enforcement issues and research in the field to the larger policing community through this publication. Today, the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin remains one of the most widely…

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What Your Smile May Say About Where You’re From

A new study finds that an individual’s use of facial expressions, such as smiles, is related to the migratory history of where they’re from. More specifically, the recent research suggests that if you come from a country of immigrants, you’re more likely to crack a friendly smile on the street. As written by Chris Cesare for Science…

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