Cross-Cultural Communication Problems

Many global organizations have classes on cross cultural communication or how to live abroad, but what exactly constitutes cross-cultural communication problems? Well , The Salt Lake Tribune has taken the initiative to define these terms.  Cross-Cultural miscommunication is about not fully understanding the nuances of a different culture.  What exactly do we mean by nuance, well the non-verbal and verbal messages…

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As a growing global society we need to learn how to adapt to cross-cultural differences in order to succeed in most fields. As more and more students and professionals live, work, visit, and are educated in countries that are not their native countries , our perceptions of our own cultural roots and social values invariably defines the friction and…

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Cross Cultural Effectiveness has delved into the complex world of cultural relations. Cross-cultural relationships and projects inevitably take more time, more effort, and more patience. Slowing down often goes against the grain of what we’re (mostly Americans) trying to accomplish. Some interesting tid-bits:  Americans are very impatient (as if we didn’t already know) but how impatient are…

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People Helping People: Cross Cultural Kindness

Working with people from a myriad of cultural backgrounds is more and more common as we grow both in technology and through advancements in travel.  A globally connected world is at our fingertips! The inspiring video below, from Coca- Cola, focuses on the the strengths and kindness of cultures across the world.   [youtube][/youtube] Want to be able…

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