Emotions: Unspeakable Words

PopSci.com has an interesting article on emotions for which there are no English words. The article delves into the insightful fact that certain languages do not attach words to some emotions. Therefore, emotions and language seem to be culturally entangled. An example that the article provides is the lack of an English word for the…

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Cultural Similarities and Differences in Emblematic Gestures – 2013

In our global world, cross-cultural communication is extremely important in a variety of fields from the legal world, education, law enforcement, to the business world.  Being able to understand how an individual or collective group of individuals communicate is very beneficial. Dr. Matsumoto, Humintell’s director and lead researcher, along with fellow researcher and colleague Dr.…

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Culture and Body Language

Body language, unlike one of the seven facial expressions of emotion, is not universal.  In fact, research has shown that it is culture specific. myGuidon.com writes that many of our body movements and gestures are culturally determined, some gestures have different meanings in different cultures. What can be seen in one culture as a compliment…

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Cultural Color

Which country is more emotional? Figuring out the answer to that question is no doubt a daunting task, but Gallup polling took that challenge and has released the results of their world-wide survey that began in 2009. One might hypothesis that the most prevalent differences in culture can probably best be seen between Eastern and…

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