Nonverbal Behavior in Close Relationships

We keep talking about nonverbal behavior with strangers, but what role does it have in close interpersonal contexts? There is plenty of reason to think that this is important! We pick up on our romantic partner’s nonverbal behavior, even if we don’t realize that we are doing it. In a recent paper, a team of…

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Corruption: Could it be Possible to Recognize on Faces?

Many of us worry about corruption amongst political elites, but could it be possible to actually recognize it in their faces? In a pretty creative study, a team of psychologists from the California Institute of Technology sought to explore whether people could detect evidence of corruption by government officials by providing them with pictures of…

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Prompted to Mimic Faces

Facial mimicry is known to be central to understanding the emotional states of others, but this exciting new study looks at the conditions under which we engage in such activity. Emotional recognition is incredibly central to social interactions, and facial mimicry allows us to do so instantaneously. However, there is dispute over when we spontaneously…

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How Many Faces Can You Recognize?

Who is that person in your office? On your bus? On the television? Many of us are constantly barraged with different faces, and it can be hard to keep track or even to remember some familiar faces at all! Yet, why is this? In a recent paper in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, a…

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