What a Year 2020 has been!

When times are tough, finding things to be grateful for can be difficult. We are extremely grateful for your support. You have inspired and motivated us to be better, which helped us make it through the year. Thank you! We wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season. Happy Holidays! David Matsumoto and…

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Why humans may have more in common with chimps than we thought

What can humans learn about ourselves from studying chimpanzees? Primatologist Frans de Waal has spent almost three decades studying the behavior and intelligence of chimpanzees. Now, he’s focused on their emotional lives–and he’s found primates and people aren’t so different in how they react to circumstances and each other. Jeffrey Brown of PBS Newshour talks…

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To Confront the Fear of Public Speaking, Don’t Press Mute

Guest Blog by AnnMarie Baines Even in the midst of a pandemic, people still feel the pressure to appear “perfect”. Unfortunately, the pressure to be perfect only increases the fear of public speaking, regardless of a speaker’s experience level. As a public speaking coach and founder of non-profit, The Practice Space, I have observed more…

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Threat Assessment Webinar Recap

Thanks to everyone who attended our Introduction to Threat Assessment webinar! The session was held Tuesday, October 20th. There were over 50 attendees from around the world, including many first responders. We thank you for your service! Dr. Matsumoto covered a variety of topics He started with an overview of Humintell, who we are and…

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