Research findings indicate that 84 percent of adults with chronic pain experienced unresolved childhood trauma.
Meditation can be a safe and effective way to help us control our emotions, alleviate our mood disorders, and improve our emotional intelligence (EI).
Through a daily practice, you can learn the patterns and habits of the mind, specially, observing the mind think.
If you’re looking for ways to be more productive, try these four “unproductive” habits to improve your energy and creativity, and help you take your business to the next level.
Back in the day, it probably wouldn’t have been all that daunting to find more than a few skeptics who’d scoff at the very idea of meditation in the workplace.
How to build stress resilience with breath training—and the help of your wearable fitness tracker.
The lymphatic system is profoundly important and barely understood by the vast majority of people.
Joy is a human need, as intrinsic to our well-being as food and friendship.
How everyday breathing affects your ability to concentrate, and what to do about it.
Stressed and isolated? Try expressing your thoughts and feelings in writing.
The present moment provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our words and actions, to engage in reflection in action and to envisage our future.
Stress is a corrosive influence on your well-being and largely within your own control.
The decisions leading up to a person’s death by suicide are made under conditions unlike almost any other. Although we may spend weeks or even months considering whether to purchase a home, change jobs, or get married, the decision to attempt suicide is often made in the spur of the moment amid a crush of emotions.
Working with a team that possesses these traits will lead to immense success.
Whatever your own personal goals are, the important thing is that you lay out a plan for how you envision spending your time during the break.
The exceptional results the “Iceman” has achieved are linked to measurable biological changes in the body.
- An “instant” relaxation exercise
- 3 Breathing Exercises to Calm the Brain, Reduce Stress & Cure Anxiety
When you breathe correctly, you pump cerebrospinal fluid into the brain to reduce stress and cure anxiety.