Hot Spotting: Practice Makes Perfect

Many of our viewers have expressed an interest in seeing more real-life video examples of facial expressions of emotion, and microexpressions in general.

We’ve taken the time in this blog post to compile some past blogs which feature video footage where you can practice your deception detection skills.

Don’t forget that we’re also open to suggestions. If there is a video that you would like us to take a look at, don’t hesitate to contact us. Your suggestion may even become the feature of our next blog post!

Microexpression Examples

Spelling Bee

Michael Astorga

Chris Brown on Good Morning America

Hot Spotting

Jonathan Edwards

Balloon Boy, Salahis, Scott Peterson

Roger Clemens


Habit or gestural slip?

A Christmas Story


Bill O’Reilly on The View

LeBron James


3 thoughts on “Hot Spotting: Practice Makes Perfect

  1. Oh! This is cool! This is what I get for getting busy and not keeping up with your blog posts lately. I’ve bookmarked this one for my days off next week. Thanks for posting guys! 🙂

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