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Does Music Elicit Universal Emotional Responses?

It’s no mystery that major and minor chords in western music makes us feel good. But could this be because of an evolutionary trait?

Recent research led by Eline Adrianne Smit and colleagues from the MARCS Institute for Brain suggests this could be the case.

Turn to any major pop radio station in the Western world and you’ll likely recognize some familiar features in the songs including:

  • A formulaic structure
  • Themes of romance
  • A catchy melody in a major scale
  • A song less than three and a half minutes

These unique features of modern music are designed to make the audience feel good, so we listen on repeat. But why do these songs make us feel good?

For the last few decades, psychologists have wondered if there are features to music that elicit universal emotional responses in humans.

Could certain elements of music be hard-wired into the human central nervous system?

A Musical Study

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