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Will Smith Shows Basic Emotions

You may or may not have heard of actor Will Smith backhanding a reporter this past weekend at the Men in Black 3 premier in Moscow, Russia.

Smith was clearly caught off guard when a Ukranian reporter tried to kiss him while wrapping his arm around his neck. He shoved the reporter off of him and gave him a backhand slap on the check.

Take a look the video below and try to decipher Smith’s emotions. What is interesting is also the reaction of the other people around him, including the woman with the leopard printed scarf around her neck and the blond woman behind him.

Remember that emotions are immediate, automatic, unconscious reactions to events that are important to one’s welfare. They are transient and fleeting.

What emotions do you see here?



If you want to learn more about basic emotions, their associated nonverbal behaviors, universal triggers and evolutionary vestiges, we highly suggest you invest in our MiX Professional or MiX Elite online emotion recognition training.

6 thoughts on “Will Smith Shows Basic Emotions

  1. Anger and disgust together; Man kisses distract Will Smith from saving the planet from extraterrestrial threats.

  2. women at the left side has the expression of surprise fear
    while most mens have the expression of disgust , anger , contempt
    and the victim also has the expression of anger
    in the mean time Will Smith is swallowing after he slapped the victim.
    So it can be consider that he is scared i guess….

  3. Disgust, anger for sure. Shock and surprise follow from the women near him. I am wondering, since this premier was in Russia, is this a custom there when greeting someone important? or greeting someone at all and Smith didn’t realize it? Or was that reporter a fruit cake? Anyway, very interesting topic of facial expressions.

  4. His wife shows surprise .. Will Smith is Showing Disgust then Anger . All in the forhead

  5. Disgust and Anger in Will Smith. We’re all focusing on the Will Smith….what about the reporter? Sometimes lack of a emotions gives us clues. I didn’t see any element of shock in the reporter when he was shoved first. If the reporter believed that’s the appropriate greeting and did it wholeheartedly, shouldn’t he be shocked at first? And even angered. This reporter looked rather bit amused to me. That’s a red flag to me! I don’t trust this reporter!

  6. The woman with the leopard scarf also smiles when thhe reporter is slaped. The reporter only smiles and looks a lot at the cameraman in the red shirt to his right and then whispers in his ear.

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