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Missing Woman 911 Call/Radio Interview

Lie detection is not just about being able to detect deception but also focuses on being able to detect truthfulness.  When someone goes missing everyone should start out as a suspect.  Being able to detect truthfulness as well as deception could help an investigation progress more quickly.

Katelyn Markham, a 22 year old college student from Fairfield, Ohio, disappeared on August 14th, 2011.

John Carter, the fiance of Katelyn Markham, is a prime suspect in the investigation.  In a radio interview Carter stated that he understands that the Fairfield Police Department have not ruled out any suspects and that anyone close to her will be under investigation.

The couple, who have been together for 6 years, was planning on getting married after Katelyn graduated from college this September.

Carter has yet to do an in-person interview.  Below is the 911 call and a radio interview he gave a week after the mysterious disappearance of his fiance.

In the radio interview Carter stated,   “I don’t need a lawyer because I did not do anything”  He also uses the past tense in reference to Katelyn, “They [her parents] really loved her…”

We blogged in the past about  “statement analysis”.  Our Determining Mental States from Tone of Voice Part 1 and Part 2. talks about the analysis of verbal statements to identify meaningful content areas where “there is more to the story than is being told”

To listen to Carter’s radio interview with Sloanie and Tracy click the video below.

Click on the video below to listen to the 911 call from John Carter reporting his fiance missing.

Also take a look at another statement analysis, from Susan Constantine, of a recent 911 call.

What are your thoughts on the 911 call and the interview?

Do you detect Truthfulness or something else?

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3 thoughts on “Missing Woman 911 Call/Radio Interview

  1. I am a bit confused. It sounds like he went to her house, saw that nothing but the phone was missing, left, then called 911 on his way back to Katelyn’s house. Why didn’t he call when he got there and found out she wasn’t there even though her car was? He sounds sincere in the call but I don’t get why he left then called 911 on his way back.

  2. Well, he did say he is aware he should wait 24 hours, so maybe he was taking some time to think before he jumped to conclusions and called police, which is understandable. During the drive he probably debated mentally and decided to call. It’s always better to be safe than sorry I hope they find her and get closure soon.

  3. There is a lot of misstatements in this article, like the boyfriend is not a suspect to the police. Plus he has done interviews in person with a few reporters and its on the news channel videos. He does not sound real panicky on the tape just worried about her. He said in the call that he went to look for her before he called 911 so that is why he isn’t still at the house. That makes more sense anyway to go see if she’s at her dads’ or their friends. I don’t see what the big deal is about this call I would sound the same way if my husband wasn’t home and no one knew where he was.

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