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Smiling May Lead to Longer Life!

A recent study conducted by Michael Kruger and Ernest Abel examined the correlation between the intensity of an individual’s smile and their longevity.

In the study entitled, Smile Intensity in Photographs Predicts Longevity published in the Journal of Physiological Science, Kruger and Abel analyzed the smiles of 230 Major League Baseball Players from 1952.

They classified the player’s smiles as “no smile” (having no smile), “partial smile” and “Duchenne Smile”, named after a 19th century French neurologist Guillaume Duchenne.

The researchers defined the Duchenne Smile as “cheeks being both raised, corners of the mouth being raised and crow’s-feet wrinkles around the eyes”.

The results of their study was fascinating to say the least. Kruger and Abel found of that the Major League Players who had died before June of 2009, their longevity directly correlated with their happiness as measured by their degree of smile.

As stated in a March 25, 2010 Time Magazine article, “players with no smiles lived an average 72.9 years; those with partial smiles lived an average of 75 years; and those with big, authentic grins lived an average of 79.9 years”.

Kruger and Abel’s study suggests that that smiling broadly, genuinely and more frequently may lead to a longer life.

To see Dr. Matsumoto’s explanation of Duchenne Smiles, see the video below:

To test your knowledge of enjoyment and social smiles, take our Smile Game by clicking here

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