As you may already know, the third season of Lie to Me returns June 7, 2010 at 8/7 Central to FOX.
Tim Roth and Kelli Williams will return to play Dr. Cal Lightman and Dr. Gillian Foster in the drama series that exposed the science of microexpressions, emblems and nonverbal behavior to the world last year.
Starting June 8, Dr. Matsumoto plans on writing his weekly episode reviews with his thoughts and comments from the night before.
What would you like to see from Humintell and Dr. Matsumoto when Lie to Me starts? What do you hope Lie to Me will do differently or better this season?
Weigh in and share your thoughts in the comment section below and don’t forget to tune into FOX starting the first Monday evening in June!
I hope that this season will be better than second
I hope that in this season will be more videos about bush’s deception…And what did has the last season? It was cool
I hope it will be more detailed explanation and close ups of each particular emotion so viewers can learn more. Some business negotiation story would be nice.
Thank you
I would like to see more picture snapshots (close up) of the facial feature they are talking about…just like they did in the 1st season. They hardly did it at all in the 2nd season.
I would like to see Obama and Biden lies and also lies coming from the current congress Pelosi, Reid, Rangle, Harkin and Lindsey Graham. How about lies coming from governors.
Comments before this one have already expressed almost everything I would like to see : more real-life use cases of the detection of deception.
What I would like to see here is a detailed version of everything Tim Roth says. For example, when he was saying that a special hand position means that the person knows he’s in trouble, or will not win, and should protect himself (Winston Churchill in Yalta), it would be great to see more examples of this position and other position/movements that express the same thing. In short, showing the whole theory behind the short practical example that we see in the series.
Not to get silly about it, however it is not the 3rd Season that is starting – rather a continuation of the 2nd Season:;episode
What I would like to see from Humintell and Dr. Matsumoto when the season continues are run downs on how you think the actors are doing showing the actual emotions discussed, feedback on certain aspects of non verbal behaviour – perhaps with a short clip to accompany your write up.
I love this show and have been studying this science now for over a year. I would love to see the show heavier in science like S1 E1. I like that Ekmans actual METT tool was utilised in the show too, I would also like to see your Australian counterpart New Intelligence in Canberra ACT featured as well as thier services linked to yours. Cheers! Good stuff!
I would like to see more picture snapshots (close up) of the facial feature they are talking about…just like they did in the 1st season. They hardly did it at all in the 2nd season.
I would like to see Obama and Biden lies and also lies coming from the current congress Pelosi, Reid, Rangle, Harkin and Lindsey Graham. How about lies coming from governors.
I hope it will be more detailed explanation and close ups of each particular emotion so viewers can learn more. Some business negotiation story would be nice.
Thank you
I love this show and have been studying this science now for over a year. I would love to see the show heavier in science like S1 E1. I like that Ekmans actual METT tool was utilised in the show too, I would also like to see your Australian counterpart New Intelligence in Canberra ACT featured as well as thier services linked to yours. Cheers! Good stuff!
I have to agree that I would like to see more of the true body language close up. I am sure it is harder for actors to mimic exact expressions, but I have taken sales classes that have many distinct body language signs that haven’t been focused upon yet in the series. It is wonderful to enjoy a show and learn something at the same time.
I would like in the next series for the two owners of the Lightman Group not to be together or like each other. I like the story without the inuendos between the main characters.