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Answers: Put Yourself to the Test-Microexpressions and Beyond

Here are the answers to our microexpressions test!

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1.    Microexpressions were first discovered by:

A.  e)    Haggard and Isaacs

They published a report on these expressions, which they called “micromomentary” expressions in 1966.  The article they wrote was entitled Micro-momentary facial expressions as indicators of ego mechanisms in psychotherapy. Many subsequent studies have been conducted based on the research by Haggard and Isaacs, but the discovery of microexpressions should be attributed to them.

2.   How many universal expressions are there?

A.  a)    7

There are seven universal facial expressions: anger, fear, disgust, contempt, sadness, happiness and surprise

3.    Which of these statements is FALSE?

A.  b)    Seeing a microexpression automatically mean someone is lying

This is one of most important aspects of lie detection and microexpressions- that seeing a microexpression does not automatically mean someone is lying. While it can often times be a sign of deception, this is not always the case.

4.    A discrepancy between a person’s nonverbal actions and their verbal actions is called:

A.  c)    A hotspot

We hear people using this term pretty frequently, but may not know what it necessarily means. A hotspot is a discrepancy between a person’s nonverbals and what they are saying. For example, when a person nods their head “yes” but says “no” this is an example of a hotspot. Does this mean that the person is automatically lying? No.

5.    Microexpressions training can be used in which of these professions

A.  e)    All of the above

You don’t have to be Dr. Cal Lightman to use microexpressions. Anyone who interacts with people face to face can use microexpression training to their advantage.

6.     The most common belief about liars (conducted in a study by over 90 scientists and 5,000 people in 75 countries) is that they:

A.  b)    Don’t look you in the eye

This is one of the biggest misconceptions about liars: that they don’t look you in the eye. Unfortunately, there is little scientific data that backs this statement up.

7.    Which of these statements are TRUE?

A.  d)    Microexpressions often occur in high stakes situations-when someone has something substantial to lose or gain

People often forget this and think that microexpressions are given off in every situation. Yet, microexpressions occur most commonly when the person is under a lot of stress: like an interrogation.

8.    Microexpressions were first discovered

A. c)    Over 40 years ago

Microexpressions were discovered by Haggard and Isaacs over 40 years ago.

9.    Microexpressions last on the face for

A. c)    Less than half a second

10.    Microexpressions are most commonly seen in what type of situation?

A.  e)    High stakes situations

Refer to question #7

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