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What Do YOU Want to SEE?

Humintell wants to hear from our loyal followers. 

Let us know what you want to see more of, what you don’t want to see more of and other topics & suggestions on what we can include in our blog series or on our website.

Want more videos? What about more diverse topics?

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3 thoughts on “What Do YOU Want to SEE?

  1. I definitely would like more videos followed by feedback, since i think that it is the best way to improve my undestanding of nonverbal communication. I also would like to read about the latest research in deception research and nonverbal communication in general.

    I am currently reading Matsumotos book “nonverbel communication”. I really like it and recomend it. In it the “naturals” are mentioned. I would be interested in knowing more about “the wizard project”. Is it canceled or are someone still working in it. It would have been great if someone like JJ Newberry could have written a chapter. I do check in on “eyes for lies” blog form time to time.

  2. Thank you Markus for your input. Humintell will definitely continue to post videos with feedback. We will look into posting a blog with an introduction (for those who are unfamiliar) and an update on the Wizard Project.

  3. Definitely more videos and feedbacks of liars and truth tellers! (with the ground truth being known)
    For example, I enjoyed analyzing the genuine and deceptive pleas

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