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Your Questions Answered By Dr. Matsumoto Part 4!

Thank to you everyone for your overwhelming response to the “Submit your questions to Dr. Matsumoto” post a month ago.

Here are a few questions and answers by Dr. Matsumoto himself!

Find out more about Dr. Matsumoto and his research at his website

You can read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of the series by clicking on the appropriate links.

Q1. (Rob) What makes one person better at reading emotional expression than another?

A1.Practice, experience and one’s natural propensity to read emotions. Some people are born better sensors and perceivers of the world to begin with. It most likely has something to do with one’s genetics, personality and life experience. Also how much a person hones their ability by practicing would have a great impact on reading emotional expressions.

Q2. (Russ C.)   In a past Q&A you said there were self-aware emotions:What other groups or categories of emotions are there and how can I learn more about them?

Q2. I believe you mean self-conscious emotions, not self-aware emotions. There are various classifications of emotions: basic emotions, self-conscious emotions, pro-social emotions, moral emotions and positive emotions. I recommend you find an introductory book on emotion to do some research.

Q3. (Carlos) Do any of your online trainings teach how to measure the rate intensity of facial expressions of emotion?

A2. I don’t understand your question. However, our online training programs teach people how to recognize facial expressions of emotion. They don’t assess expressions that occur.

Q4. (Russ C.) Since the passing of Maureen O’Sullivan, what is the status of research into Naturals? Who is doing this work now, and where can we learn the latest research results?

A4. Unfortunately, I don’t really know the status. We offered several times to her estate to help to finalize her final works and consider continuing that work, but have not heard back.

Q5. (Mewan) What can you say about the reliability of Shrugs and Head Shakes? I see the shrugs all the time during a positive statement….which one is a more reliable indicator: A full shrug (with both shoulders/hands) or a shrug fragment (with one shoulder/hand)?

A5. That really depends on your definition of what “reliable” is. If you’re talking about the validity of these actions in determining deception, shrugs are valid indicators of lack of confidence but are not indicators of deception. It is an indication of that person qualifying that statement, which people typically do. People can qualify a statement and not be deceptive as well. There are also individuals whose baseline is to shrug a lot and they are just like that. Its important to notice changes from baseline when assessing credibility.

Q6. (Matt S.) Who would you suggest (whether its books, blogs, website, research, etc.) to look up on researching and writing about non-verbal behavior and deception?

A6. I highly suggest you read this article and also take a look at the end notes at the end of the article.

Q7. (Camille) Action units (10)+15+17 -mouth shrug- are often interpreted as a sign of disbelief in what is being said. However, I often see this combination when someone is impressed, by somebody else’s work for example. What is your opinion?

A7. I think it has both of those emblematic representations.

Q8. (Russ C.) Does research tell how to distinguish in the forehead between worry and surprise? The lines in the forehead look the same to me for both emotions, but I’m sure they are not.

A8. There is a clear difference between these two expressions. Worry will have the brows up and together, creating horizontal lines, while surprise simply has brows up and it looks open and round. Look for the roundness in the eyebrows.

3 thoughts on “Your Questions Answered By Dr. Matsumoto Part 4!

  1. Dr. Matsumoto and Humintell, thank you once again for taking time out to answer our questions. 🙂

  2. Thank you very much for answering the questions and doing a great job. I hope the estate of Dr. O’Sullivan allows you to continue her great work!

    Best wishes,

    Russ Conte

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