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Ask The Expert: Your Questions to Dr. Matsumoto Part 4

Back by popular demand, we’ve brought back your questions answered by Dr. Matsumoto. Our most recent question and answer series was in February 2011.

You can find questions and answers here.

We also did the question and answer series back in February of 2010. We asked you, the readers, to ask specific questions they may have to Dr. Matsumoto. We then selected your questions and had Dr. Matsumoto personally respond in a 2-part series.

You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

Ask your specific question(s) to Dr. Matsumoto in the comments section above. The questions can be related to anything: microexpressions, facial expressions of emotions in general, culture, emotion, nonverbal behavior, etc.

Please no inappropriate questions! Don’t forget we monitor all questions asked on the blog and inappropriate questions will be deleted.

We’ll select certain questions we think are interesting, interview Dr. Matsumoto and post the responses within one week.

Thanks for your participation!

8 thoughts on “Ask The Expert: Your Questions to Dr. Matsumoto Part 4

  1. What makes one person better at reading emotional expression than another? How does work neurologically?

  2. In a previous Q&A you mentioned self-aware emotions. What other groups or categories of emotions are there? For example, are there ‘other-aware’ emotions? Are there emotions where it’s clear the person is NOT self-aware or other aware? Some other possibilities – are there combination emotions, such as happy-contempt? Are there non-expressive emotions? (which i would expect as emotions which are felt internally but not expressed outwardly). You get the idea. What other categories of emotions are there, and how can I learn more about them. (sorry this post is so long!)

    Russ Conte

  3. Does any your online trainnings teach how to measure (to rate intensity) of facial expressions of emotion?

  4. Since the passing of Maureen O’Sullivan, what is the status of research into Naturals? Who is doing this work now, and where can we learn the latest research results?

    Russ Conte

  5. What can you say about the reliability of Shrugs and Head Shakes? I see the shrugs all the time (notices myself doing it) during a positive statement….which one is a more reliable indicator? A full shrug (with both shoulders/hands) or a shrug fragment (with one shoulder/hand)? And in head shakes….do you believe this is only applicable when answering a yes/no question only? I’ve seen people cock their head, nodding yes once, as a way of emphasizing saying “no” for a yes/no question….do you think this is a hot spot? or just plain speech emphasis?

  6. I would like to find more authors and/or researchers that are researching and writing about nonverbal behavior and deception but I don’t want to fall into the trap of reading something that’s not reputable. Who would you suggest (whether its books, blogs, website, research, etc.)?

  7. Action units (10)+15+17 -mouth shrug- are often interpreted as a sign of disbelief in what is being said. However, I often see this combination when someone is impressed, by somebody else’s work for example. What is your opinion? Thanks!

  8. Does research tell how to distinguish in the forehead between worry and surprise? The lines in the forehead look the same to me for both emotions, but I’m sure they are not.

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